In partnership with Free Geek, the business community united to host a series of contactless drive-through technology collection sites across the Portland Metro and Vancouver region over a one month period beginning all throughout April. We had 11 drop off dates every weekend in April and...

With your help we surpassed our goal of 10,000 lb of tech donations and collected a grand total of 11,299 lb of tech donations that will be refurbished, reused or recycled instead of ending up in a landfill! These drives provided a great opportunity to connect with the community and share our efforts in bridging the digital divide. And although we had many positive interactions with our community donors, we believe that with more targeted promotion the next round of drives will be even more successful.

What are the final numbers for our TechNOW April 2021 campaign?

TechNOW 2021 Donation Totals

  • 352 Laptops
  • 114 Desktops
  • 272 Smartphones
  • 172 Tablets
  • Goal weight: 10,000
  • Total Weight: 11,299 lb

Thank you so much for an incredible month of donation! Wondering how you can help Free Geek now?

Free Geek is in need of used, working webcams!

As we have recently been donated technology through our #TechNOW Campaign, we are now in need of webcams to attach to our devices. Webcams allow students to continue online schooling, elderly residents to use virtual healthcare, and Gift-A-Geekbox recipients to use in online job interviews. Will you help by donating your used webcams to community members in need? Find out how to donate here.