Meet Alyssa, a recipient from our partnership with SNAP to provide computers to people currently looking for professional development!

Meet Alyssa

Alyssa holding computer

Alyssa has been a stay home mother for 10 years and just  recently decided she wanted to go back to school to fulfill her dream of becoming a nurse. She enrolled at Umpqua Community College (UCC) and was told by the financial advisor about the  STEP and the Digital Inclusion Service.  

Due to COVID – 19, this year has been very hard for Alyssa and her family. She has 3 children and she recently took in her brother’s child when he passed away earlier this year. This left her with 4 children in grade school that needed to be home schooled. She had no computer access and was only able to attend Zoom meetings and school work on her children’s Chromebook that was given to them to attend school online.

Alyssa recently enrolled in the General Education classes at UCC that are needed to move on into the Nursing program. She did not have the additional funds to purchase a computer and  was trying to find some computer access that she could use. With her Free Geek's services and STEP support services she was able to get the computer access she needed and now will be able to complete her school work, look for part-time work, and help her children with their needs.

Congrats Alyssa and good luck with your future moving forward!