Meet Anthony, a recipient from our partnership with SNAP to provide computers to people currently looking for professional development!

Meet Anthony

Anthony holding computer

Anthony came to WorkSource Lane with big dreams. Anthony has worked in customer service and in IT but has come to understand that those fields are not stable so he is leaning into a new career in truck driving. He was referred by Don at 160 Drive Truck Driving School as a great candidate for the training for a CDL. With a young family, Anthony is looking for a stable income and ultimately building his own business.  

When talking with Anthony about his computer needs, he stated, “Without a computer, you can’t really function these days.” He finds his cell phone inadequate for job searching and resume building and as a single father enrolled in school, he does not have the time to go to the library or other places to use a computer on a limited timeframe and schedule. Anthony cites learning Excel, taking tax preparation classes through H& R Block, and serving his community as his primary reasons for wanting a computer of his own.  

Anthony also wants his young daughter to be exposed to computers before she goes to school, to ensure she doesn’t fall behind. His goals are to take online classes and certificate programs  that will help him in the future in managing his own business. Anthony also states that having a laptop and taking these classes will give him a sense of independence, and a sense of success in having his own ability to get things done.

Congrats on your FG laptop Anthony!