Brian holding laptop

Brian is adjusting to the many challenges and changes in his life, which have left him without a  home or a job. He has significant work skills but is struggling to “find his way” after multiple life setbacks. Most recently, he was a victim of the McKenzie River wildfires. Brian is working to establish housing and to identify the kind of work he can do at this stage of his life. His connection to the world was through his older iPad, which is having issues with its functioning, with compatibility and with connectivity.  

Brian has talked a great deal about needing to be able to organize and store information; such as versions of his resume and cover letters, a record for tracking his job contacts and outcomes, as well as follow-up. His primary goals that a laptop would help support are job search, career exploration (leaning towards a health/service profession), expanding his knowledge of search engines and staying in contact with his providers for job search, training and housing via email and SKYPE.  

Brian expresses a desire for personal growth, which he can do and track on a laptop, as well as a desire to update all his office and computer skills, to be better organized. Equipped with the basic tool of a laptop and the support of his community agencies, Brian can better address some of his challenges and work toward his life goals.

Congrats on your FG computer Brian!