Meet Jasmine, a recipient from our partnership with SNAP to provide computers to people currently looking for professional development!

Meet Jasmine

Jasmine holding laptop

Jasmine is a single mom, living in Arlington with some family members. She recently moved there and was trying to figure out what kind of future she wanted for her and her baby son. Arlington doesn’t have much to offer as far as work and all she could find was work at a gas station. Jasmine knew that there was no future for her there and with the support of her family, decided to enroll full time for the winter term at Columbia Gorge Community College  (CGCC).  

Her short-term goal is to finish the nursing program at CGCC and then move onto her long-term goal which is becoming a Labor and Delivery Nurse. Jasmine did not have a way of connecting to her online classes and was hoping that she would have money left over from FAFSA so she  could buy herself a computer, if that didn’t work out, her backup plan was to ask for one for  Christmas. Her college advisor knew her situation and thought she would be a great candidate for the laptop program and referred her. 

Jasmine now has a way to connect to her classes online and is on her way to achieving her goals and providing herself and her son with a better future, thanks to the laptop that was provided to her through the STEP program.