Meet Monica, a recipient from our partnership with SNAP to provide computers to people currently looking for professional development!

Meet Monica

Monica holding laptop

Monica is currently living in a hotel with her 4 school age children while she is waiting for  housing assistance to have an available unit. Monica has worked as a housekeeper, cashier, and caregiver in the past. She enjoys helping people which is why she completed a CNA program last year. Unfortunately, she did not receive a CNA certificate because she had no way to pay the fee.  

There are no local CNA classes because of the pandemic, so Monica met with our partners at  Southwestern Community College and decided to build on her caregiving experience and knowledge to pursue a career as a Medical Assistant. Monica applied and has been approved for financial aid. She has worked very hard to complete all necessary steps to enroll and begin attending classes on January 4, 2021.  

Monica did not have a computer to take her on-line classes. She stated having a laptop will not only let her complete her classes and achieve her goal of becoming a Medical Assistant, it will remove child care worries. Monica’s goal to become a Medical Assistant will help her support  her children and give them all a brighter future. She added that this opportunity will also let her be a good role model for her children too.