Meet Cherie, a recipient from our partnership with SNAP to provide computers to people currently looking for professional development!

Meet Cherie

Cherie holding laptop

Cherie McNeil is a job seeker packed with potential and enthusiasm! She began accessing employment services with WorkSource Douglas in April of 2016 and it has been a journey.   Throughout her journey she has obtained multiple jobs that she enjoyed and performed well at. While Cherie has experience in customer service and willing to work in clerical and customer service positions, her dream career is more in line with social services.  

Before the pandemic, Cherie was beginning to engage in the Justice Involved program at WorkSource Douglas. She was in the early stages of gathering all of the information necessary for expungement when the statewide shut down derailed her path temporarily. Cherie was anxious to re-engage in the process and was keeping in regular contact with WorkSource.  

Finally, she was in a position to pick up where we left off. Cherie, being aware that the expungement process can be quite lengthy, agreed that she would need to engage in other employment to sustain her income. Having a history with TMS, Cherie agreed that it would feasible to work for the call center while working on removing her barriers to employment.  

A job development was done and TMS agreed to hire Cherie for their work from home program if she had a laptop. The laptop provided by Free Geek not only solidified Cherie’s position with TMS, but it is a key tool she will use for training for her career once her expungement is completed, staying in touch with her STEP Job Coach for direction and guidance, and may even carry her into the career field of her choice. While her story is yet to be written, the laptop provided by Free Geek is the device she will use to write it!